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2024-2025 Bus Routes

Bus numbers can be found on the bus routes below.

Nonnewaug High School / Woodbury Middle School

Nonnewaug High School/ Woodbury Middle School REVISED ROUTES 8/22/2024 BUS #3

Bethlehem Elementary School
BUS #14
BUS #18Updatedbus18.pdf

Mitchell Elementary School

Mitchell Elementary School REVISED ROUTES 8/22/2024 - BUS # 1,2,3,5

Woodbury Streets that are districted
for Bethlehem Elementary School


135 Bacon Pond Road, Woodbury, CT
(203) 266-7352

We have made every effort to make the routes as efficient as possible. Additionally, routes often change during the school year as new students move into town and as current students leave the district.

If you have any questions about your route, you may contact ALL-STAR TRANSPORTATION or call (203) 266-7352. Please note: Drivers may not change a route or a stop without the permission of the ALL-STAR TRANSPORTATION Manager.

If you have any questions about transportation or the Region's policy, please contact Tina Tanguay, Director of Finance and Operations at the Region 14 Central Office at (203) 263-4330


Zonar MyView Bus App

zonar bus app


Region 14 has collaborated with All-Star Transportation and the ZonarMyViewbus app. The Zonar MyView is a bus app that will allow parents to track bus routes in the district and give notifications when their child's bus enters the custom alert zone. The app is free and participation is optional. Users will need an iPhone or Android device for this App.

Zonar MyView Bus App Set Up

You will need the following information to set up an account:

  1. District Access Code  ALL5759
  2. Bus number or numbers for each child can be found in the 2023-2024 Bus Routes section above
  3. Each child’s student number is provided in a separate email
  4. Student name as it appears in PowerSchool-separate email

 App Setup Instructions: 

  1. Install the "Zonar MyView" app from Apple App Store or Google Play Store. 
  2. Create an account. You can sign in with Google/Apple or create an account via email. 
  3. Enter your information for name/email/password to use the app. (This is not your student's info.) 
  4. Enter the District Access Code.
  5. Enter the bus number you want to follow. You will enter each bus number you want to follow. 
  6. Enter your student's PowerSchool ID
    • The student's first name must be entered as it is in PowerSchool.
    • If the last name in PowerSchool has two last names, it is the first initial of the first last name in PowerSchool. 
  7. Additional students can be entered as needed. 
  8. Create an Alert Zone An alert zone in a 'digital fence" on the map that will alert you when the bus enters that zone. You can create several Alert Zones. You may want an alert zone around your home. You may also want a zone down the road from your home as an alert will be triggered when the bus enters that zone. Each school has a Zone around them so you do not need to set a zone around the school. 

To Create the Alert Zone: 

1. Type in the address you would like the zone to be at. 

2. Tap the magnifying glass icon at the top right to search for that address. 

3. Select which bus(es) you follow that will enter that zone. 

4. Adjust the zone size to your desired size. The alert is sent as the bus enters the boundary. *

 **All setups or changes will take approximately 24 hours to activate.

Troubleshooting Common issues: 

  • Not receiving notifications. Check to see if push notifications are enabled in the device settings.
  • An Alert zone has been created, but not receiving notifications. Check to see that the bus is tied to that zone. Check the alert zone is on the bus path.
  • Notifications coming too late. If the bus has already arrived by the time you get the notification, you will need to expand the alert zone to be larger. This will ensure you receive the notification in time. 


For questions regarding the Zonar MyView App, please email