In Region 14, communication is one of the fundamental links in the relationship between our schools and our community. We look to communicate effectively and often with parents and members of the Bethlehem and Woodbury communities on many platforms.
Newsletters are sent to parents from their child’s school principals every Monday afternoon throughout the school year. The Region 14 website is also updated regularly with information on school and athletic calendars, Board of Education agendas, meetings, and videos, Curriculum information, Weekly Principal Updates, News Articles, and more.
Please also look for additional regular communications from Region 14:
- Facebook and Instagram pages updated regularly with initiatives, programming, and happenings in our schools
- Region 14 newsletter “Focus on 14” emailed monthly to the community
- PowerSchool updates and email alerts
- Weekly Digital Backpack of flyers relating to school and community events
- Region 14 Live Stream and NEAT-TV channels
Photographing of students
Throughout the school year there are many opportunities for Region 14 faculty and staff to photograph students. Photographs and videos of curricular activities, student achievements, etc. may be published on our District Media including the Region 14 website, social media pages, weekly Principal updates, on N.E.A.T. TV, in the school yearbooks, the local newspapers, or shown during Board of Education presentations for any school-related activity. The names of the students may be published with their picture or as part of an article about the featured school activities. Please note: we seek consent to allow Region 14 to publish photos of your child.
During the annual student registration, parents/guardians receive a photography agreement where they can choose to opt-in or opt-out of district photography. They can also change this at any time during the school year by contacting the Student Data and Enrollment Coordinator Maggie Gildea at