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NHS Agriscience Students in Floriculture
Second Grade K9 Visit at MES
BES/MES 5th Grade Fall Get Together
Enjoying the Book Fair at BES
Agriscience Students Tend to the Bee Hives
NHS Athletes Council Tommy Fund Initiative
WMS Alliance Leadership Group at Open House
Elementary Kid Governor Voting
Equine Classes in Elizabeth Webb Equine Center at NHS
Fall at NHS

Connecticut State School of Distinction



Our Goals

Academic Performance

The district will strive to improve academic performance for all students on multiple assessment indicators and the staff will be committed to continuous improvement


Region 14 will prepare a budget that meets the needs of every student and communicates the needs and priorities of Region 14 in a clear and concise manner


Region 14 will provide safe and secure facilities equipped with technology, enabling a 21st-century learning environment that supports the values of the district


Region 14 will develop partnerships with all stakeholders in the school community to highlight the exemplary programs the district offers

vision of a learner logo

Region 14 Vision of A Learner


News & Announcements

Upcoming Events